Fatima Siddique
Laboratory assistant
Fatima holds two Master's degrees, one in Biochemistry/Molecular biology from Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan, and another in Biomedical Technology from Tampere University in 2022, where she specialized in Cell Technology. She did her Master's Thesis project in Celiac Disease and Research center, Tampere university, where she continued on an internship project. During the project, she differentiated iPSCs towards small intestinal epithelial like cells and performed their functional characterization. As a Researcher in Celiac Disease and Research center, Fatima established and characterized 40 new iPSC cell lines. She has a broad expertise in a variety of laboratory techniques and analysis methods, including qualitative assays, confocal and fluorescence imaging and gene expression analysis.
Fatima is originally from Pakistan and have now been living in Finland for almost 12 years. In here free time, she enjoys swimming, walking in the forest, reading books and watching TV, or doing arts and craft.